Lovely Rainy Day
After grumbling in my last entry about my allergies I felt rather guilty. I certainly don't want anyone to think I find Austin less than divine. Actually I think Austin is a cool place to live and visit. Where else can one find an Airstream with a giant cupcake on its roof that reads "Hey Cupcake!" and view the largest urban bat colony in the US? No place but Austin Texas that I know of!

Even better, there will be a Garden Bloggers Spring Fling 2008 as excellently planned by Pam from Digging. So please check out the link and RSVP if you can. The Garden Bloggers would love to meet you!

Now that the weather in Austin has turned to cold rain, I am feeling much better. Rain means less cedar pollen. Hurray! While cold rain doesn't sound like much fun, my mother in cold icy Missouri assures me I have it very easy. These photos of the colorful leaves near my son's school will attest to the fact that it's still pretty in spots.
It really does look more like October than January, doesn't it? I suppose I'll always have a Missouri mind-set.
This image of my Wardian Case proves that very few indoor photos can be taken in my house without a cat coming into view, (can you find the cat head in the photo below?) ...
Here's a close-up of Mariah as she sits on my desk. She is very content to be a warm indoor cat, thank you very much...
And thank goodness for inside plants and water-heaters for outside water gardens. The 'lovely' orange cord running along the patio is the life-line for my goldfish. I'm still crossing my fingers that the urn doesn't ice-over with the inevitable freeze. Keep heating water-heater!
I often think the hapless goldfish in my outdoor container garden live rather precarious existences this time of year. They remind me of the Cat-in-the-Hat goldfish. One false move and it's going to be disaster for them. I hope the electricity doesn't go out one dark and icy night.
Though maybe they'll have a more pioneering spirit like the famous PBS goldfish...
Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. ~John Ruskin
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