Saturday, December 8, 2007

Potagers Gardens and Verandas

Copyright © 2007. Suburban Wildlife Garden. All Rights Reserved.

Special thanks to Annie at The Transplantable Rose for letting me know my content is being stolen by Unscrupulous Thieves and to Mr Brown Thumb for his excellent article: The Gets TheSmackDown.

I'm not much of a shopper, but I am a soft-touch for a nice garden shop. Since moving to Austin I've been attempting to visit many of the nurseries and garden-themed stores in my area. One beautiful shop that's not too far from my house is Potagers on 620.

They have a lovely outdoor terrace with statues, plants and French & Italian pottery.

The Japanese maple is a work of art in this Tuscan-yellow Anduze Pot...

I love the angel at the center of the terrace...

There are angels inside as well along with many different kinds of specimen plants. They are decorated for Christmas this month.

The circular greenhouse room is my favorite space in the shop.

Everyone should have a round garden room. Well, I can dream at least...

There are tons of tempting pots, plants and decorative items at the windows.

I cannot seem to leave this room without choosing something for myself.

This time I bought a little shell planter...

I added it to my Wardian Case at home along with a fern and some Reindeer Moss (Cladonia rangiferina), which is really lichen...

Back at Potagers, Suzanne and Teresa are very talented at putting each display table together for aesthetic appeal.

The shop offers items for living room, bed and bath as well as the garden.

The beautiful poinsettias on these tables are as huge as they look.

The butterfly pillows on this antique bed bring the garden to mind as well.

I admired this dried arrangement and wonder if I could make one myself...

Before leaving I took one last look at the gorgeous surroundings.

Hope all of you are enjoying your holiday preparations. May you find beauty in nature and the Yuletide season this year wherever you go.

"There were pears and apples, clustered high in blooming pyramids; there were bunches of grapes, made, in the shopkeepers' benevolence to dangle from conspicuous hooks, that people's mouths might water gratis as they passed; there were piles of filberts, mossy and brown, recalling, in their fragrance, ancient walks among the woods, and pleasant shufflings ankle deep through withered leaves; there were Norfolk Biffins, squab and swarthy, setting off the yellow of the oranges and lemons, and, in the great compactness of their juicy persons, urgently entreating and beseeching to be carried home in paper bags and eaten after dinner." ~ from A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

Copyright © 2007. Suburban Wildlife Garden. All Rights Reserved.


Libbys Blog said...

Oh my goodness!!! I would be bankrupt if I lived near here!!! Great post!

Dawn said...

Hi Libby!

Yes, this is why I had to control myself and only buy a couple small items. Still, it sure is nice to see all the beautiful things they have. The ladies who decorate the shop are extremely talented.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

OOOOooooo my wallet started opening on its own just glimpsing all this wonderful garden merchandise.

Anonymous said...

What a nice find. I'm sure the inside of my house would look like that (without the style sense) if we Austinites were forced to winter indoors. My English MIL has a wonderful glassed-in conservatory attached to her house near Manchester, UK. I love it but it would be too hot in Austin, probably.

mss @ Zanthan Gardens

MrBrownThumb said...

That store looks totally cool. I can see why you have a hard time not buying something when you visit.

I love your Wardian case too.

Unknown said...

I have to check it out since I am pretty close to it. The pots look wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Pam @ Digging says:

Thanks for letting me know about this shop, Dawn. I'll have to take my mother there when she comes for a visit.

Annie in Austin said...

No doubt some of the Divas of the Dirt have been there, but without me! What a cool looking place, Dawn.

I'm working on the Christmas tree right now, but if I get a chance will have to visit the rice game again - it's addictive!

Annie at the Transplantable Rose

Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen said...

I'm glad I don't live near that shop because I would be bankrupt if I did. ;-) Love that shell planter you bought there, excellent choice.

BTW I see that you have taken measures against content thieves, so have, I as we were both robbed by GrowSpot!

Mary said...

Beautiful post, Dawn! I loved those curved windows decorated to nicely. I would be in deep trouble if I shopped there.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday season, too!

Andrea's Garden said...

I am glad this store is far away from me. Near my house there is one a lot like that and my credit card needs an extra oiling after every visit there. Take care, Andrea

A wildlife gardener said...

What a great shop! I'd be just like a child with my nose pressed up against the window as if it were a sweetie shop...for my hubbie always says these Garden Centres and shops ARE my sweet shops. Have a happy Christmas :)

Dawn said...

Hi Lisa at Greenbow!

I know what you mean about your wallet. Those pots were calling to me for sure. :-)

Dear MSS
Your MIL's conservatory sounds lovely! I've dreamt of having one since reading The Shell Seekers. But you're right, they aren't very practical for Austin.

Thank you, MrBrownThumb,

I try to use what little self-control that I possess. ;-)

Hi Bonnie

I hope you can visit. Those pots are beautiful....

Hello Pam!

Hopefully you and your mother will enjoy the shop as well. It's on my ever-expanding list of places to take my parents. Austin never disappoints in that respect. :-)

Hi Annie!

I'm embarrassed to say my Christmas tree is still not completely decorated. *blush* But my German friend says she doesn't even put her tree up until Christmas Eve, so I don't feel to badly. :-)

Glad you like the Rice Game! Woohoo!

Dear Yolanda Elizabet,

Good luck keeping the thieves at bay as well. May their computers develop cyber-boils. So there, too. ;-)

Thanks Mary
A Happy Christmas to you as well. If you're ever in Austin I'll take you to the Potager and we'll get in deep trouble together. How's that? ;-)

Welcome Paris Parfait!

I'm so happy you dropped by! I hope others will take a look at your lovely site. It really is a beautiful place to behold. Paris is one of my favorite places on earth. What a treat to find a blog that shows how it looks each day. I'd love to see your balcony plants. I'll bet they are worth seeing in the Spring.

Joyeux Noël!

Hello Andrea!

I'd like to see the store that is by you as well. We could be tempted twice over. Hope you are enjoying your holiday.

Dear Wildlife Gardener

Ah, but at least gardening isn't fattening, right? My problem is I'm tempted by both garden shops AND sweets equally. Ah well.

Happy Christmas to all of you. Thank you for making my life so much brighter. I hope all of you have a very safe and enjoyable holiday with family and friends.

Merry Merry!

Libby at Aurora Primavera said...

Hi, Dawn
Thanks for stopping by my blog. This store sounds fabulous. Such temptations. I love the mix of house/garden/literature on your blog.
Libby at Aurora Primavera