Neighborhood Walk
School has started and my son's first year of high school seems to be going well so far. I'm hoping I'll accomplish a bit more in my garden now that I have a little more free time.
I've tried to walk everyday this past week and take some photos along the way. Here are a few plants and animals that caught my eye...
Yellow trumpet flower, (Tecoma stans).
A water-worn limestone accent.
A cicada's cast skin on a crape myrtle.
An avenue of cypress trees.
This is either a leaf-footed bug or a wheel bug.
Three different vines soften a fence.
There is a field full of this little purple wildflower near my house. If you know what it is, please let me know. The flower reminds me of a Verbena of some sort.
Thanks to Annie in Austin for kindly letting me know that these flowers are Physostegia virginiana or Obedient Plant. Annie, as always your plant knowledge is impressive!
"Nature's music is never over; her silences are pauses, not conclusions." ~ Mary Webb, The Spring of Joy
Copyright © 2007-2009. Suburban Wildlife Garden. All Rights Reserved.
The live oak roots look like giant squid to me. ;-)
Your daily walk sounds pleasant. And you obviously have a lot of natural beauty to enjoy on your walks.
My neighbor and I have started walking in the evenings now that the weather's cooler. It's always nice to see the neighborhood plantings up close. That cypress avenue is gorgeous. Enjoy a little more free time!
Thanks, I especially like the oak roots and the cypress avenue is impressing.
I really love the tree roots, not so keen on the bugs!!!!!!
It sure is Ent :)
Those tree legs are spooky! LOL! It's fun to see life in Texas that we don't see in NC. I love the green lizard and the yellow trumpet flowers!
The flowers have been well watered, obviously. Very nice.
It's the bald cypresses that get me, Dawn - I love those trees! You found some very interesting stuff on your walk.
I'm not so sure that the final flower is Liatris, however - when enlarged this photo seems to be of Physostegia virginiana, sometimes called Obedient Plant.
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Hi Pam,
Hey, those roots do look somewhat squid-like. Good call. ;-)
Yes, I'm fortunate to have a nice area to walk. Life is good.
Thanks LostRoses,
Your neighbor is wise to walk when it's cooler. I almost passed-out last week after walking too long during the hottest part of the day. Lesson learned.
Hello Andrea,
The trees are lovely and give great shade for walkers. I'm sure they lower the overall temperature of the neighborhood as well.
Hi Libby,
The good news is those bugs don't bite, which is my litmus test of acceptability. ;-)
Hey quu,
I love a good pun. Well done!
Dear Mary,
I must admit the tree legs can be a bit disconcerting after dark.
You're right that we've had more than our share of water here. I'd send some your way if I had the power.
Hi Annie!
Thank you for the plant name correction. I'm still on a huge learning curve here. Your botanical knowledge is awesome dear lady!
Happy Gardening!
Dawn, they just happened to be two plants that I've grown... and thank you for being so sweet about it ;-]
I hope everything is OK with you. You haven't posted in a while... No pressure, I just hope all is well.
Hi Mary,
Thanks for your concern. My son and I have been taking turns to see who can get the better cold. For better or worse, I think I'm winning. Thankfully he's back to school this week and hopefully I'll be tissue-free soon as well.
Hope all is well in your world. Thanks again for checking on me.
Dawn, who has a date with NyQuil tonight ;-)
The live oak roots look like a crazy game of twister!
I believe your purple field flower is a Wild Petunia (Ruellia)
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